Sunday, March 02, 2008

Super Sunday

Not as awesome as my friend Esther's cuz I didn't get to build a snowman family but I did get to spend some quality time with the ladies at church, the spouse and the Castillo family.

I woke to my lil man laying next to me telling me how much he loved me. It was so sweet but after a little while I felt like the cream filling of an oreo cookie; smoooooshed between my two favorite guys. I had to get out of bed!

Raine was awake in her crib calling out to mama & dada, whomever would come rescue her. I did and she didn't want me she kept asking for dada; like she does every morning I get her out of her crib. No problem I like dada a whole lot too. I got her ready for church and then proceeded to bribe the child who can dress himself to get ready. He would only do it if he could have a gumball. No prob, I gave him the gum then his plate of waffles with syrup and sprinkles. He handed me back a piece of ABC gum and started to eat his food. Once the kids were strapped in their chairs feeding themselves, I headed for the shower. First I reminded the man, who was still in bed, that we need to be at church in 30 mins.

Hair still soaking wet we headed out the door. We made it to church with time to chitchat before my retreat meeting. Reece went right into his class but then came back so excited telling me that he was going to learn about Easter. We were discussing it on the way into church. Raine went into the nursery without a tear as well. I peeked in on her and she was just standing there, staring around with her thumb in her mouth & blanket on her arm. I'm sure she had a ball ...

Prayer is astounding! We are organizing our 20th annual woman's retreat at our church and it is amazing to see what God has planned. I sat in a room with some of the most incredible ladies. We discussed teachings, skits, hospitality and leadership. Dates of when and what is going on were also given out. Lastly, was the time of prayer. It was such an enormous blessing to stand with those Godly woman. I have learned so much from them already, that I can't wait to see what else I can absorb. The holy spirit was among us and I felt such a sense of peace when I left.

Mo and I had a meeting to go to at 11:30 so we threw our kids on Auntie Wendie's truck and said good luck! She watched them for a few hours while we learned about our timeshare stuff. We brought them some dinner and then got to hang out and chill! We always say we need to do hang out with them more so we did. Reece loved playing with Timmy & Cross! He was so sad when we arrived with dinner. He thought he had to go home. When I told him we were going to hang out for a lil while, he ran away screaming hurray!

Mo and I came home, each put a child to bed and then spent the night discussing our summer travel plans. We can't wait for the summer now. We figured out when we will be dropping in on all of our friends; so get ready for the Hauguel's to be knocking on your door!

Past my bedtime so I will finish this post with a question posed by The Royal Toybox. What is the best gift you ever received? FAMILY~ My husband, then my 2 precious kiddos.

Goodnight & God Bless


Jessie said...

yay!!!! i love everyday blogging by joelle!! :)

shontell said...

I also love everyday blogging by Joelle. I keep forgetting there will be something waiting for me. :D I am also glad your kids are adjusting so well to class at church and that you are so involved and growing so much in church. Proud of you for bucking the rebellious christian syndrome we all seemed stuck in. And, If I had a million dollars, I would buy you a fur coat, but not a real fur coat; that's cruel.

kris and mel said...

the best gift i ever received? sheesh--you are asking difficult questions, missy! i mean, of course my spouse & my family. but after that? i hubby has given me quite a few good gifts. my updated wedding ring, my computer, seasons 1, 2 & 3 of "the office." i'm sure there's more, but i can't think of any right now, lol!