Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fun Weekend Ahead

Thankful for so many things this Thursday:
  • Fun week of teaching, tried new things to spice up the humdrum of our Language Arts block.
  • Mo & I made yummy dinners out of the simplest food and leftovers.
  • I am able to attend a 5th grade planning meeting for extra funds. I am also planning and teaching my staff about writing ideas for extra funds.
  • Listened to my kindergartner read 5 level 10 books to his sister before playing Uno with his daddy.
  • Went to bed early, even though I really wanted to watch my shows.
  • At the tail end of organizing the Sea Camp trip for the 5th graders.
  • Meeting my family at REI and Claim Jumper on Friday night.
  • On Saturday, I will be building a tabletop basketball hoop at Lowes with the kiddos.
  • Reece & Raine will go to their sports class and learn more about soccer, praying it goes better than last Sat.
  • Meeting a friend at a playground for some adult conversation and children screaming.
  • Relaxing in Forks, WA before getting gussied up for a night out with my hot hubby.
  • A date night at J.W. Marriot with friends, free drinks and free food, thanks to the Feldmans.
  • Finally attending service after 3 weeks of missing it due to sick kiddos & teaching 2's & 3's.
  • Taking the kids to a bowling party after church then relaxing in Forks, WA again.

I am so thankful we have a fun filled weekend ahead, I need to be busy or I get bored...

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