Sunday, December 12, 2010

Decorating the Tree

I was so excited when we finally picked out our tree and brought it home to decorate. We went to Star Nursery (daddy's favorite place) and picked out the cutest tree for $20.00. We are on a strict Christmas budget this year and didn't want to spend that much on a tree anyway. Someday I will have a huge Douglas Fir and hardly enough ornaments to fill it. For now, I have the perfect tree, just tall enough for my peanuts to reach every branch and fill it with all of our fun craft ornaments. Raine was very sad, every time she went to hang one, it would break. I think we had to super glue 4 of them back together. Reece loved putting all of them on the same branch or one general area. They also liked hanging them off the bottom branch, so the ornaments hung down to the ground. I was very teary when I saw that because it reminded me of how Dublin Dog loved laying under the Christmas tree; whenever she would get up three or four ornaments would fall off the tree. We sure do miss her this Christmas season.
Reece is singing, "Oh Christmas Tree". He loves listening to Christmas music, probably because it's all I listen to in the car and it's the first thing I turn on when we get home.

I love my little elves in their Christmas jammies!

Raine getting ready to hang Pluto and Nickey before she broke him.

Reece with his trains, ready to hang.
Daddy took all the pictures so we don't have any of him. He was very cozy on the couch watching all of the excitement and snapping away the silly moments. It was an awesome evening full of laughter and a few tears.

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