Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Christmas shopping

Tonight after my class I went to Toys R Us to buy some fun stuff for my babies. My mom called and left me a message about the one day sale; thanks Mom! I got some great playdough and crayola sets, buy 2 get 1 free. My kiddos are so crafty they will love that messy stuff. I found a Transformer soccer ball on clearance and a classic Transformer firetruck for 10 bucks. The best deal of the night was the green Vtech Nitro Notebook computer for $24.99, half off. Reece will be so excited because he always wants to play on ours. I found a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse laptop for Raine. I hope she loves it as much as I think she will. It has some really cute games and songs. I also found her a sweet little pack n play for her baby dolls, some mini diapers and bottles. She loves to play with her babies and stuffed animals. I really enjoy watching her play mommy, she would make a great big sister. I found some good deals and am done shopping. I have a few presents already stashed away for the kids. Our trip to Disneyland really was supposed to be their present but I couldn't help picking them up a few things tonight. I know my mom would love to take credit for the laptops, plus then she wouldn't have to shop! We'll have to see what the tag on the gift says when it's under the tree.

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