Monday, January 28, 2008

Laughing Gas

As I sit at the computer checking my email, Mo is putting Reece to bed. The conversation was as follows:

MO: OK Reece time to say our Amens.

REECE: You say it daddy.

MO: Here's a fart for you first. (wafting the fart up into my sons face as they both start cracking up with laughter.)

REECE: You stink daddy! (As he laughs hysterically.)

MO: That's some laughing gas for you Reece. (As Mo laughs hysterically.)

REECE: I can't stop laughing. ( now laughing uncontrollably )

MO: Laughing uncontrollably as well.

REECE: Mommy is even laughing out there.

MO: OK, time to settle down and go to sleep. Then they both crack up even harder.



shontell said...

ugh. boys are seriously disgusting. When are you guys coming to visit us?

Jessie said...

I love that!! :) :) :)

Boys *are* gross, but cute, too :)