Sunday, February 27, 2011

Super Saturday

Reece and Jalen played Disney Sorry but made up their own rules.

Reece taught Jalen how to build the Lego Ben10 guys.

Good friends!
Yay for Friday night sleepovers and Saturday play dates. Raine was super excited to be invited over to Kaylee's house. She hasn't been feeling well but this is such a special treat that I couldn't say no. She was so excited she helped pack her backpack with all the necessary supplies. Except a pull up and her toothbrush. I woke up at 12:00 worried she was going to pee all over her girlfriends. Thankfully she told Deidre she needed a pull up for bedtime.

Raine was anxiously waiting for me at the car.

The girls were ready for dinner, decorating cupcakes and a movie.

Reece was bummed but we arranged for his friend Jalen to come over on Saturday for a fun boys only playdate. Daddy worked on our front yard while the boys played. I had to run out and pick up Raine. Then we met a friend and her youngest kiddos for lunch and play time at BK. It was great catching up with her, poor Raine was so exhausted and fell asleep within 3 mins of our car ride home. Deidre said she asked to go to asleep at 8 pm when all of the other girls stayed up until 9 or so. All in all she had a blast. Reece and Jalen were starving by the time I made it home. They created their own lunch menus and then checked off what they wanted to eat. It was very cute and they sure did pick a lot of food. The boys jumped on the trampoline, built a fort, created Ben 10 aliens with legos and ran around like wild little animals. It was very fun and I would have Jalen over again and again.

The best part of the day was the fact that we found a babysitter and had a super fun date night. I called about 6 girls and they were all busy until one of my old students Shelby came through for us. We haven't seen her in a while so it was a real treat! Mo and I raced down to Firefly to meet Jenn and Mark for some delicious food and sangria, then it was off to the movies. We saw Just Go With It, which I found to be quite HILARIOUS!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was a great date but an all around perfect Saturday!

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