Wednesday, October 22, 2008

$500 & a free IPOD

I went to a class tonight about incorporating American History trade books into your reading, writing and social studies lessons. It was pretty interesting, as I am a nerd and love learning. I am always up for a free class, especially when it's only 5 weeks long and there are only 2 face to face meetings. I had to take a pretest earlier this week and found out I can hardly recall the facts I am supposed teach these 5th graders. Thank goodness I only teach the reading and writing. When I got to class there were a zillion books all set up on this really long table. I signed in and was handed an 80GB classic ipod. At the end of class, we were asked to line up and select one of each book as if we were getting food from a buffet. NICE!! I came home with 18 books and the entire Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House series. The class will also pay me $500 as long as I get a 60% or better. COOL HUH? Now I better get to reading...

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