Sunday, July 01, 2012

To the beach

is what my father in law would say to the kids as the packed the cart full of sand toys, chairs and umbrellas.  It is such an awesome tradition that the Hauguel family has instilled in their children.  Mo loves bringing his family back to his favorite beach town and probably won't stop traveling here ever.  It has become a treasured family reunion of sorts where we get to see his Mom Mom, Pop Pop, Uncle Andy, Aunt Joann, Samantha and Mary. We rent a gorgeous house 3 blocks from
32nd street beach with his brother and sister.  But most importantly we create amazing traditions that my children look forward to every summer.  Reece said he can't wait to fight the waves and lay in the hot sand.  Raine can't wait to ride the rides on the boardwalk and swim in the ocean. Mo can not wait for few sticky buns, fresh caught crab and flounder. I am looking forward to planting my tush in the sand with a good book and an ice cold Yueling.

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