Thursday, April 08, 2010

Google Lit Trips AHHHH

I am so tired of trying to figure out codes. I have a huge project due tomorrow night by 11:59 pm. I will get it done. I am 2/3 finished. Now that I have a better idea of what I am doing, I can work on some of it tomorrow at school. I hate that I had all of spring break to do this and I (once again) waited to the last minute to finish it. Why is it I procrastinate so much? I would really like to change that about myself, but after 30 yrs of doing it, don't think it's going to happen. I am very thankful I accomplished some other tasks that have been hovering over me. I finally handed in a student intervention file that was long overdue. I graded papers and input grades for tomorrow's progress report. I called and scheduled an appointment with the ear, nose and throat doc for Raine. I cancelled the kids dentist appointment for a third time. I got gas in my car. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment tonight and will now go relax in front of the TV.

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